
A Meme!

I got tagged by Ellie for my first meme, and am completely tickled pink by this. Thanks!

I am thinking about: how much I miss my car. First it was leaking and they replaced a faulty seal. But then it kept leaking, and turned out they nicked a hose while they were replacing a seal. So they ordered a new one. But the hose they ordered was wrong and didn't fit. So they ordered a new new one. But the new new one didn't have the right holes. So they ordered a new new new one again. I haven't seen her in a week. Mindy says they're taking it out for joyrides and I sincerely hope she's wrong.

I said:
"would you excuse me, please" about a thousand times trying to make it onto the morning subway.

I want:
a puppy.

I wish:
graduate school and applications were an easier decision process.

I regret:
not seeing my girlfriends as often as I'd like.

I hear:
O.A.R.'s Love and Memories. It sticks in your head something fierce.

I am:
attempting to re-grow my hair long enough so that it can all be pulled into a braid or ponytail.

I dance:
along with my little workout dvds in the living room.

I sing:
in my car. I am one of those people who go all out with it, drum solos on the steering wheel and everything, alarming other drivers, and am of the school that if you can't sing well - you sing loudly.

I cry:
at almost anything that could be construed as a chick flick, whether they deserve it (the reunion scene in Wicker Park, In Her Shoes, Spanglish) or not (The Wedding Singer), and when the Eagles have an excellent lead but then decide to be complete idiots and throw it out the window.

I am not:
not addicted to caffeine.

I am:
a Jersey girl.

I write:
lists, and on anything nearby - I'm not above paper napkins and coffee filters, but bound lined index cards are my downfall.

I confuse:

I need:
a copy of Peter James Quirk's Trail of Vengeance, which is the selection for the Yours in Crime (my nerdy mystery book group) author talk Monday, which I haven't yet read.

I also regret perhaps that I don't really know if I've got enough readers that I can specifically tag anyone else to continue . . . but if you're reading, well, consider yourself tagged - and leave me a note so I can then visit you. I love discovering new (to me, at least) blogs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehehe, awesome answers! I laughed about your car-based drum solos, v. cute (one of my mates does the same thing, has in in fits of laughter when I'm in the car with her...and often I'll join in!)

6:27 AM  

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